Qubit optomechanics

Nanomechanical resonators enable fundamental studies into the hybridization of different physical quantities, such as light and mechanical motion. Such hybrid systems form a promising platform to implement measurements operating at the limits imposed by quantum uncertainty and quantum non-demolition measurements. In this project, we study coupling of qubits to an optomechanical system. Qubits can through their nonlinear character generate very large enhancement of the radiation pressure interaction between light and matter, as well as boost optical cooling of the mechanical resonator
Hole spin qubits

The spin state of electrons or holes confined in quantum dots has been shown in many experiments to form a very promising qubit. It has long coherence times, can be manipulated on very short time scales, and has due to its small form-factor great potential for scaling. In this project we investigate the use of hole spin qubits defined in 1D Germanium- and Silicon-based nanodevices, such as Ge/Si core-shell nanowires. In particular, we aim to make use of its very unique type of strong and highly tunable spin-orbit interaction.